Enquiries to Neil Stanton
Home page for STOVOLD family details.
Early references to this family ( starting early 1600s ) are in the village of Thursley in Surrey. However their name is spelled in a variety of ways ( STOVALL, STOVALL etc.) before 6x gt Gmother Sarah married Edmond AUSTIN as STOVOLD.

N.B. when searching IGI for references, many records are indexed under 'STOUALL' and similar - it appears V has been repeatedly transcribed as U, making research difficult.
Known Direct STOVOLD Ancestors
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9x Great Grandparents 
9x Great Grandparents 
8x Great Grandparents 
mar: 14 Jan 1655
8x Great Grandparents 
mar: 17 Oct 1664
8x Great Grandparents 
7x Great Grandparents 
mar: 20 Aug 1695
7x Great Grandparents 
6x Great Grandparents 
mar: 12 Jul 1733
6x Great Grandparents 
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