MacLEAN/ WESTLAKE Family History
Enquiries to Neil Stanton
Home page for WESTLAKE family details.
Known Direct WESTLAKE Ancestors
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5x Great Grandparents 
mar: 29 Mar 1770
5x Great Grandparents 
4x Great Grandparents 
mar: 12 Apr 1795
4x Great Grandparents 
mar: 11 Dec 1805
4x Great Grandparents 
3x Great Grandparents 
mar: 19 Apr 1821
3x Great Grandparents 
View details of all known WESTLAKE family members:

4x gt William married twice and had a total of (at least!) 13 children. I have been unable to find a burial record for his first wife (4x gt Agness), and struggled to prove that it was the same William who married Grace BLATCHFORD in 1805. William and Agess' daughter (3xgt grandmother Thomasine) provided the proof by referring to Jane (daughter of William and Grace) as her "sister", they were in fact only half sisters.

WESTLAKE family Links/ Resources
Family Tree: WESTLAKE / MAY / SMALE / LUCAS / NORTHCOTT / BECKLE families   
Views of Thrushleton (2005)   

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