Enquiries to Neil Stanton
Family Tree for : (17724) Frances Rebecca ( HYDE ) BENNETT Frances is related to the extended TIPLADY family.
  Click on any person to view that person as centre of tree. Details of known events for the person are listed below.
**New Right click on any person and choose Ancestors or Descendants to view summary of preceding/ succeeding 5 generations.
Persons marked * are direct ancestors/ descendants of "the cousins".
Generation (relative to `the cousins`)  
b: c1848
d: nk
b: c1858
d: nk
b: Q.Dec 1879
d: Q.Mar 1889
b: Q.Dec 1881
d: nk
b: c1883
d: nk
b: Q.Jun 1886
d: nk
m: Bertram CLOUTING
4 children
Spouse/ Partner  
b: cQ.Mar 1884
d: nk
b: Q.Jun 1903
d: nk
b: cQ.Mar 1905
d: nk
b: cQ.Mar 1907
d: nk
b: Q.Dec 1908
d: nk
b: Q.Sep 1910
d: nk
b: cQ.Mar 1912
d: nk
b: cQ.Mar 1914
d: nk
b: Q.Sep 1916
d: nk
b: Q.Sep 1916
d: nk
b: cQ.Mar 1919
d: nk
b: cQ.Mar 1921
d: nk
  Click on any person to view that person as centre of tree. Details of known events for the person are listed below.
**New Right click on any person and choose Ancestors or Descendants to view summary of preceding/ succeeding 5 generations.
Persons marked * are direct ancestors/ descendants of "the cousins".
Frances Rebecca ( HYDE ) BENNETT - 5 Generation OR
Known Events for 17724 : Frances Rebecca ( HYDE ) BENNETT
Event Date Details dob Source Where Born Age Occupation Address Ref
birth Q.Dec 1883 birth: Frances Rebecca HYDE mother`s maiden name= MUNDY
Frances Rebecca
census 1891 census: Frances HYDE with father at Gparents`
Fanny [ single - Granddaughter ]
c1883 1891 Census Shipton, Hampshire 7 Scholar Shipton Village, Hampshire
census 1901 census: Frances Rebecca HYDE in service
likely ref
Fanny [ single - Servant ]
c1882 1901 Census Hampshire 18 Housemaid Domestic 5, Ranelagh Avenue, Barnes, Surrey RG13/680 f99
marriage Q.Jun 1903 marriage: George BENNETT to Frances Rebecca HYDE
Frances Rebecca
childbirth Q.Jun 1903 birth: Alfred Bennett HYDE
[ mother ]
childbirth Q.Mar 1905 birth: John BENNETT - mother`s maiden name=HYDE
[ mother ]
childbirth Q.Mar 1907 birth: Arthur George BENNETT - mother`s maiden name=HYDE
[ mother ]
childbirth Q.Dec 1908 birth: Frances Edith Rose BENNETT - mother`s maiden name=HYDE
[ mother ]
childbirth Q.Sep 1910 birth: Amy May BENNETT - mother`s maiden name=HYDE
[ mother ]
census 1911 census: George BENNETT with Frances +5
Francis [ married - Wife ]
c1881 1911 Census Hampshire Andover 29 House Work Apse Heath Sandown, Newchurch, Isle Of Wight,
1911stats   1911stats: Frances Rebecca BENNETT
Married 8 years, 5 children, 5 alive, 0 have died.
  1911 Census         1911
childbirth Q.Mar 1912 birth: Reginald William BENNETT mother's maiden name= HYDE
[ mother ]
childbirth Q.Mar 1914 birth: Annie Emily BENNETT mother's maiden name= HYDE
[ mother ]
childbirth Q.Sep 1916 birth: Ronald & Marjorie BENNETT - twins - mother's maiden name= HYDE
[ mother ]
childbirth Q.Mar 1919 birth: Douglas Victor BENNETT mother's maiden name= HYDE
[ mother ]
childbirth Q.Mar 1921 birth: Alfred BENNETT mother's maiden name= HYDE
[ mother ]
census 1921 census: George BENNETT with Frances +11 +sister in law ( & her children)
Francis Rebecca [ married - Wife ]
c1883 1921 census Andover, Hampshire 37y7m Home Duties Boundary House, Hawley With Minley, Hampshire
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