STANTON/ ALLSOP Family History
Enquiries to Neil Stanton
Family Tree for : (627) Leonard Henry ALLSOP Leonard is a member of the ALLSOP family, which is connected to the extended STANTON family.
  Click on any person to view that person as centre of tree. Details of known events for the person are listed below.
**New Right click on any person and choose Ancestors or Descendants to view summary of preceding/ succeeding 5 generations.
Persons marked * are direct ancestors/ descendants of "the cousins".
Generation (relative to `the cousins`)  
b: 16 May 1847
d: 23 Dec 1909
b: 28 Jan 1838
d: 1896
b: Q.Sep 1874
d: nk
b: Q.Sep 1874
d: 1876
b: Q.Dec 1875
d: Q.Dec 1923
b: 29 May 1877
d: 24-Nov-70
b: Q.Mar 1879
d: nk
b: Q.Jun 1880
d: Q.Dec 1891
b: 15 Jul 1882
d: nk
m: Ellen PURKISS
m: William WHITE
m: Minnie NUNN
2 children
Spouse/ Partner  
b: c.1878
d: nk
b: 1908
d: nk
  Click on any person to view that person as centre of tree. Details of known events for the person are listed below.
**New Right click on any person and choose Ancestors or Descendants to view summary of preceding/ succeeding 5 generations.
Persons marked * are direct ancestors/ descendants of "the cousins".
Leonard Henry ALLSOP - 5 Generation OR
ALLSOP family home page.
Known Events for 627 : Leonard Henry ALLSOP
Event Date Details dob Source Where Born Age Occupation Address Ref
birth Q.Mar 1879 birth: Leonard Henry ALLSOP.
Leonard Henry
census 1881 census: Henry ALLSOP with wife Mary Ann + 5
Leonard Henry [ single - son ]
c1878 1881 Census Loughton ESS 2   Rooms Over Coach House Warren Hill Loughton
census 1891 census: Henry ALLSOP with wife Mary Ann + 6
Leonard H [ son ] - with parents
c1878 1891 Census Loughton ESS 12 Scholar Rooms Over Coach House Warren Hill Loughton
census 1901 census: Leonard Henry ALLSOP
Leonard [ single - Mess Mate ]
c1878 1901 Census Loughton ESS 22 Helper in Stable Stables, Copped Hall, Epping RG13/1641 f20
marriage 1904 marriage: Leonard Henry ALLSOP to Jane JONES
Leonard Henry
childbirth 1908 birth: Frederick ALLSOP.
[ father ]
census 1911 census: Leonard Henry ALLSOP with Jane + 1
Leonard [ married - head ]
c1878 1911 Census Loughton ESS 32 Groom 1 Mark Cott. Preston KNT
ALLSOP family home page.
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